Swimming Pool Balance Tank Repair Gloucester

Echo Square Services were asked to provide a solution to repair two swimming pool / spa pool balance tanks which were badly damaged with large cracks in the base causing major leaks, subsequently forcing our client to take both balance tanks offline.

In the pool balance tank, we proposed that that the damage be repaired by back filling the void behind the tank with mortar and expanding foam filler, so as the base would be fully supported.  Following this stage, the damaged area would be repaired by the application of a flexible resin reinforced with 450g/m chopped strand mat.

The spa pool tank only required a fiberglass repair.

A safety tripod and man riding winch was set up to allow safe access and egress into the tank. The damaged fibreglass was removed to allow access to the void beneath.  

It became clear that there had been erosion of the substrate over a long period of time, which had resulted in a significant void behind the tank.

Layers of quick setting mortar were laid down to support the base of the tank. Holes were also drilled into the tank where voids were suspected, and expanding foam filler introduced to support the tank base.

The broken section of base was refitted into place upon a layer of mastic, and the joints sealed with a fast setting fiberglass compound.  Following this, a flexible resin reinforced with 450g/m chopped strand mat was installed in multiple laminate sheets to build up the strength to the base.  

The spa pool tank also had very large crack to the base of the tank, we therefore gave the tank the same laminate treatment as above, and several other previous repairs were also laminated.

Now both swimming pool balance tanks were then refilled much to the relief of our client as it meant they were now able to refill their swimming pool and reopen the health club.

If you require any assistance with a similar project, why not contact our friendly team.

sales@echosquare.co.uk // 0800 7720 628

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