Cooling Tower Reline

Client: London Hospital

Project details: The internal refurbishment & relining 3no. stainless steel cooling towers sized 4m x 2m x 2m

Summary of works: Extensive preparation of cooling towers internal surfaces followed by the application of our WRAS approved ES 988 DWPU solvent free polyurethane system.

Guarantee: 10 Years

Completion Date: 2020

Description of Works

Internal refurbishment and relining of 3no. stainless steel cooling towers.

The internal surfaces of each cooling tower were suffering from areas of corrosion and heavy staining.

We therefore proposed a solution to increase the cooling towers life span by a minimum of 10 years.

The internal surfaces of each cooling tower were extensively prepared prior to the application of two coats of ES 988 DWPU WRAS approved solvent free polyurethane.

Each cooling tower was then disinfected upon completion of works by our client’s water treatment specialist prior to being placed back online.

BEFOREThe internal surfaces of each cooling tower were heavily stained with areas of corrosion

PREPARATION – Each cooling tower was manually prepared using stainless steel grinding discs to provide a surface profile of 0.75mm to accept the new coating.

Joint Sealing – All joints were re sealed with a polyurethane sealant which was left to cure overnight.

BASE COAT – All joints were then given a stripe coat of ES 988 DWPU to build up the coating thickness at the critical seams of circa 2mm.
A full base coat was then applied to all internal surfaces at a nominal thickness of 300- 500 micron.

TOP COAT – The process above was repeated with a top coat of ES 988 DWPU (blue) applied to all internal surfaces of cooling towers at a nominal thickness of 300- 500 micron.

DISINFECTION – Once the coating had cured, the cooling towers were disinfected by sites water treatment incumbent prior to being place back online.

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